Meg Michaelson

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The Energy and Environment of May 2020

The sun is out today, the temp is mild, and my family is healthy. I have much to be grateful for. And yet every day I find I need to use the tools I've learned to step out of worry and get back to center, each and every day. I can let my mind run amok or I can consciously choose to stop my mind chatter, take a few slow and gentle breaths, and regain my connection to self. I am choosing the latter. A balanced mind supports a more balanced world.

Our world needs us, especially now, to choose healthy connections. We are in a time of huge change. We all feel it. We had a big full moon last week and this week we had three planets in retrograde. Without going into too much detail, the month of May might feel like being on wooden planks on water that we cannot find footing on. We may feel up and down emotions, and confused. We may feel memories coming up from the past. We might feel like we are in review of the choices we have made. We may be searching for meaning and purpose. We may feel antagonistic and the need to choose sides. 

However we feel, we can change the emotional dial and instead turn to love, kindness, presence, fairness, and peace. When we feel scared, stuck, or scattered, we can get ourselves back to center, back to peace. Giving ourselves time to inhale and exhale with the intention of calm, we can bring our bodies back to focus and out of the quicksand. Instead of dividing and choosing sides, we can choose collaboration. We can choose humanity. And most importantly, we can always choose a connection to our higher self.

How have you been navigating these last few months? What do you notice in your body when the worry is apparent? Where do you feel it? And what are you doing to keep or return to peace? Pay attention to that and give yourself appreciation for those times. For the times you feel unsteady, and worried, and confused, give yourself compassion, and breath.

We will always be ok if we give ourselves the care we need, and reciprocate care with others. If you feel the need for more guidance, please reach out to me or listen to my YouTube videos. They are free. 

With lovingkindness,
